Neuroscience, Cognition and Behavioral Economics
Advances to Promote Peace & Prosociality in Colombia
In memory of the life and work of Dr. Emile Bruneau
Bogotá, August 17, 18 and 19, 2022
Thank you for attending the seminar!
We hope see you in our next events
In recent years, the world has seen a growing interest in understanding how to put the brain and behavioral sciences at the service of peacebuilding and security. Recent advances in the field have made it possible to open the black box of intergroup conflicts that leave more than 100,000 deaths worldwide each year. Colombia is no exception. The country today is taking the opportunity to strengthen and accelerate the admirable efforts to overcome war, and free minds and hearts from hatred to move forward together.

This International Seminar, in honor of Dr. Emile Bruneau, who dedicated his life to putting science to work for peace, seeks to bring together some of the most prominent international experts with researchers, decision-makers, and citizens devoted to peacebuilding. The goal is to reflect on how brain and behavioral sciences can help accelerate peacebuilding in Colombia.
Image Source: The New York Times

The event is aimed at all people interested in the construction of peace and prosociality.
Its modality will be hybrid, and will offer in-person 3 workshops on methods in design, implementation and evaluation using:
• Behavioral economics
• Social Neuroscience
• Science of peace